When I was growing up my Momma made- as in sewed everything I owned from my underwear to my blue jeans -she even sewed my prom dress. Back then I wanted store bought clothes, now I wish I could turn back time to have handmade clothes. My Mom has always been crafty and could make things with her hands, she still has hobbies, now mostly knitting and crocheting. Many of the beautiful things I cherish in my home were made by my Mom.
She took us to church all our lives and people always loved to come to our house to visit, because Momma made them feel welcome. She was the disciplinarian in our family, a role she took but not always appreciated, something I think you understand when you become a Mom- remember this hurts me more than it hurts you. She was an only child so she desperately wanted several children and she had 4-two girls and two boys. Her best friend Shirley married my Daddy's brother- that was the the closest thing to a sister she knew. They had their children at the same time except for the last one in each family, we all grewup together. Momma always liked to read and I thought she liked to write- I often encouraged her to write down her memories for her future generations-so far no such luck. She has a big hearty laugh, that can make others laugh.She has a big heart. She loves her family. She's a little spoiled to be perfectly honest, first by her Dad and then by mine. My kids think she makes the best roast and gravy, the best homemade applesauce, the best chicken salad and strawberry preserves. They've all three always loved to go to Nanny's house, they still do just not as frequently as all would like to.
When Whitney comes home from college -she has to eat at Nannys.
My Momma has had a heart attack and quadruple by-pass and she now has diabetes. We want her to take better care of herself so she'll be around for a long time. Ta
I guess that's where I got that from....
My Mom loves the Gaithers and wishes they still sang from the Baptist Hymnal in church.
She loves my Daddy very much and is now taking care of him more than ever.
She is really pretty funny. I could show you the picture of her entertaining us with the Hannah Montana wig on, but we'll just keep that in the family. To know Momma, Nana Sue, Sue is to love her. I was very lucky to grow up in a Christian home where my parents loved each other.
Thank you God

Happy Birthday Lorie's Momma!!! That was wonderful, maybe you could let her do a guest spot on your blog! Then you could get some of those memories wrote down.
Happy birthday to lorie's Momma!
Hope the third time's a charm.blogger has made the letters verry hard to read.
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