Saturday's ride was uneventful really until My officer and Friend Michael was taking me back to my car at the end of the night and while pulling in the parking lot, he got an officer in distress call and Him and 25 other patrol cars drove at 90 plus miles an hour from one side of town to the other in Saturday night traffic-that's when I was praying out loud (under my breath). How's all that for a run on sentence. For those asking for an explanation, I posted here telling about my Domestic Violence background and volunteer work. I'd also like to thank Sweet Debbie and her office who made 21 ~ 911 bags for our First Responder program. They were a Godsend. But God is like that -He knows what we need and He works it out. So thanks for the prayers -they probably got us through Huntsville safely on that last hairy call!!!!
Love ya'll-Be blessed!

Lorie,I hope that every thing worked out for the office needs back up call.
Gotta run I'm way behind on my blog reader. Hugs and God's blessing to you and your family from mine.
That's really NEAT Lorie! Hey, check out our friends blog, she must have found her password? ;)
Glad you're okay...I pray just driving through Huntsville at normal speed!
No thanks needed - we were all blessed just to make them as a team and know they were for such a good cause. By the way, what's a farckle? Love You!!
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