I had a great time in New Orleans and yes I ate too much. When we first got there, we were lucky to get a really sweet lady who drove a Taxi-a van actually and she talked all the way and was delightful -so we got her # and asked her to come pick us up and take us back to the airport-so we made a new friend right away. Thanks Jan for taking good care of us and for telling us where to go eat dinner. She told us to go to Deanies and the food was delicious and way too much to eat. I shared with my waiter! We walked some of the streets and saw the night life which can get scary and really hasn't changed. My favorite part was spending time, just me and Ashley, I know she was missing her baby girls, but I'm thankful she gave me the gift of spending this time with me.

Barbie and Laura were in class most of the day, but got to eat lunch with us both days.

This is Laura massaging my hip after I had walked about 5 miles at least with Ashley and came back to cool off and rest before dinner. She's so precious!!!!!
We went, we ate, we laughed, I cried taking off on the plane which surprised my daughter, she thought I usually have it all together- I guess it's a quirk I should have listed the other day, I feel so anxious when I fly. But I had a great time with people I love and I'll do it again at the next opportunity. I'll write more details tomorrow-bed is calling- being a jet setter is tiring!
As always, be blessed and remember He is the lifter of our heads!
Hey Sissy,
Gald your home. I know you had a good time. Missed ya. Your blog is so good. Everyones are so good. I want one. Dana wants me to do one. Looks complicated!! Cant be if JV can do one I can. (hehe)
I posted John a note go read it.
Love ya
Glad you had fun. Can't wait to hear more. I am scared of flying, too :(
Hey, Lorie! Long time no talk. I hope all is well. It's been a tough month... my mom is in hospice, and I haven't been home much. Your pics look awesome, so I'm hoping to catch up on all of my blog reading this week. My Google Reader is full!!!
Hugs and blessings,
(p.s. I'm baaaack!)
You, my friend, look like you bring fun and joy wherever you go!
Y'all look like you had such a good time! We need to try and do a beach get a way maybe after the kids get back in school. :)
I hear New Orleans is a great city to visit...I hope I get the chance someday.
So very glad that you had a wonderful time with your loved ones. If you're like me, the older that you get...that's what truly counts these days!
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