Favorite food: EASY_ Mexican food -close second,Cajun food.
Quirks about me: I start lots of things and sometimes don't finish them...that's bad!:o(
How would the person who loves you the most describe you in ten words or less? My Emma Girl says I am the best MEME, The best reader, the best lover-for how I love her:o), the second best cooker, next to her daddy, the best gifter, the best singer. Those are wonderful compliments to this old MeMe-as far as John, I'll ask him when He gets off the golf course...
Any regrets in life? Sure, but they are mostly things I can work on. I do regret some things of my youth, but don't we all.
What can you NOT live without: Grandbaby love and coffee
Favorite blog: I love to read many blogs, and I love the people who relate back and forth with comments -the ones on my Favorite list are up there in my book!
Something you can't get enough of: Grandbaby love-learning how to be a better Daughter of the KING!
Worst job you ever had: I have never had a bad job.
What job would you pay not to have? housecleaning
If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be? I don't like flys and I can't think right now of someplace I would like to see the goings on.
Favorite Bible Verse: I love all the ones written in black and red, but one of my life verses is Isaiah 41:10-"Fear thou not;For I am with you. Be not dismayed ;For I am your God; I will strengthen you, yes , I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of righteousness."
Guilty pleasure: Starbucks, and pedicures.
Got any confessions: not for public-I make them to who it Matters.
If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on? a new couch with good pillows and lots of comfort.
Favorite thing about your house: When the people I love are in it.
Least favorite thing: When it has dustbunny's everywhere, and when it's empty.:o(
One thing you are bad at: Confrontation.
If you could change one thing about your current circumstances, what would it be? My weight-I'm working on it-just probably not this weekend!
Who would you like to meet someday? My Lord and I WILL,on earth-Paula Deen, Beth Moore and probably Billy Graham.
What makes you feel sexy? Sexy-Meme's aren't sexy...
Who is your real life hero? Police officers
Who is your real life hero? Police officers
What is the hardest part of your job? How about if I tell you the best part of my job and leave it at that... I love the elderly, I love their stories, their experiences, their hugs and I love working with them.
When are you most relaxed? when I'm with my grandbabies, holding them.....
What stresses you out? pettiness and strife -it shouldn't have a place in our homes and families.
Favorite quotes: WE can do no great things-only small things with great love.- Mother Teresa
When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not one single bit of talent left,and I could say I used up everything you gave me. -Erma Bombeck
Why do you blog? I love to write, I love the friends, I love the thought provoking, laughing, crying, sharing with others that happens on our blogs. I hope we each give and take and make each other better just by being real. I have gotten all this by interacting through my blog. Thank you Valerie for getting me to join ya!
Off to NO_ Be Blessed!!! 

Oh I loved this one! You did a very good job with this. By the way I think you should get Ashley to start blogging. :o)
Hi Lorie,
Just popping in to say hello. I've been away too long and have missed so much. I have to go back and read to catch up. Come see me!
Love and Hugs,
I love pedicures too, if we lived by each other we would go together. Great post today Lorie.
Hey girlfriend! Add me to your list I am getting the hang of this! You are my first commnent.
The best cook, The best host, the best Meme, The best wife. Thats 12 words. O well, she is also best at making a house a home too!!
oh, grandbaby love, and blogger love, and how about alien love...read the host by stephanie meyer ...about love that is power enough to overcome a host who inhabits your body...don't knock it till you read it, and isn't it wonderful all these people we know in bloggeer land?????
I agree on enjoying the elderly and listening to their stories and experiences. I have always wisheed I could sit and listen patiently to them all ever since I was a teenager and visited a senior citizens home. So many were alone with no relatives to visit and so many just wanted some one to listen and to care. Thanks for reminding me of that.
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