Saturday, October 9, 2010

It’s Friday-Time for JOY

Last night my house was full of my family and close friends. I fixed Taco Soup , Mexican cornbread and Apple Crisp with Vanilla Ice cream. There’s nothing I love better than a full house and children running around and good food.We even had our dear friend Christy –Juju’s daughter come and do head and shoulder massages in her massage chair. Then two of my baby darlings stayed to spend the night with Meme~ I woke up to this…



It’s the last day of Fall Break and my sweet baby girls and I are going to spend the day together and do girlie things, like shop and go to lunch and maybe take in a movie.

First I wanted to share some thoughts from this week –then Half Full Friday.

Wednesday I went to the funeral of a man I loved. His name was Carl. I met him on the first day I went to work at the Senior Center –he came to my room and said “If you need help, need to know something-I’m your man. I’m like the Big man around here”. He quickly became my favorite man! Mr. Carl turned 85 that year and one of the things that made him special was although he suffered with Lou Gehrig's disease and was crippled by it, he had the best spirit and out look than anybody I know. As I sat at his funeral Wednesday, I was thinking that what made him the most special is the way he had of making you think you were the most special to him. I was thinking how blessed I was to know him and that was what I would miss –how special he was to me and how special he made me feel to him. As I was sitting there thinking this-the pastor said that was what made Carl such a great man , he had probably made each person there feel so special and important.

I hope that’s something I learned from him- the ability to make others feel special and important. God bless you Mr. Carl, now you are walking in Heaven and you’ve had a sweet reunion with your wife.

By the way it is now Saturday morning –my Friday post was preempted for this…

october 002

october 018

october 024

october 035

october 038

october 039

I spent the afternoon with my favorite little people. I t was a gorgeous afternoon!

So finally what brings me joy and fills me up-

* I’m so happy to work at the Senior Center, where I have got to spend time with amazing people.

*I’m so happy that I have 4 little people in my life that are mine, who think Meme is pretty fun to be around and that I know a few more that belong to my best friends who think so too.

* I’m so happy that Fall and soup time are here. I love soup and cornbread!

* I’m so happy for laughter and music –two things I couldn’t do without!

* I’m thankful for God’s word- my verse for today is Philippians 2 in The Message-14-16Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing.

Today is a new day-I better get out there…

Be blessed!



Unknown said...

Okay so this post is just so sweet. I love, love, love the sweet pics of the girls spending the night! My girls have such amazing memories of spending the night with their grandma ( my mom) she always did fun things like baking with them and things that me as a young mom didn't have 'time' for...they loved going there. You are blessed and they will remember you as they get older and those will be the things that will keep you all close. :)

On another note, I love the part about your friend, Carl. What a legacy to leave behind...that we could make everyone we meet feel special!! I want to be like Carl!

have a wonderful and blessed weekend my friend!


Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

I am glad I found your blog! I found it through Eyegirl's blog! I love your music too!

Gmama Jane said...

I enjoyed your post. We Grandma's are so blessed, aren't we? Who would have dreamed that in our older years we would discover a love like no other. I knew my mother loved my children but until I had my own grandchildren, I never fully understood the depth of that love.
I like your song list too! I wish I was more computer savvy like you so I could add some pizazz to my blog.

I so agree about Fall and soup/cornbread!! Something about the temps dropping makes me want to fix soup.

Blessings to you and those beautiful grandchildren.

j said...

Ha! I love the bunny ears!!