Thursday, October 27, 2011


I love it when God winks- I had a significant one recently. I was on a mission trip October 16-21st to Guatemala. I was part of a mission team who have adopted the village of SanAntonio-near Guatemala City and Antigua. Before I left  I got a new journal to write my experiences down in. I put some verses I thought I might need in there.  One day a few weeks before I was just reading the Bible and I found some new verses I did not remember ever reading and I liked them so I put them on index cards to carry with me. I stuck them in my journal just because they were loose.
The first day of the trip was the 13th straight day of rain. Our village was 3 miles from the road- up a dirt hill then straight down. By prayer and effort our 4wheel drive vehicles made it most of the way up. I had the start of the day and the excitement and will to help me get up that rest of the way and I was very careful going down the mud and slush to get to my destination-the village and the children I had come to see and serve. Fact: San Antonio Suchitepéquez is a municipality in the Suchitepéquez department of Guatemala. It has an elevation of 300m to 500m above sea level. At the end of the day, this overweight, out of shape Grandmother did not realize how hard it would be to walk back up -straight up the mud and slush I had come down- to the trucks. About a half mile. I kept feeling like I couldn't breathe. I was the last person up. The ride back to our hotel  was long and my mind kept saying what if it is still raining tomorrow and trucks can't get up the hill. I did not want to be a burden to everyone or a hindrance. So sadly (very sadly-tearfully) I wondered if I would even go back if  it was raining. I did not tell anyone, but my mind was saying YOU can't. That night as I got out my journal to try and write down some of my feelings, an index card I had written weeks before and just stuck in there fell onto my lap and it said: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord: I will exalt in the Victorious God of my salvation!The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk (not stand still in terror) but to walk and make progress in my high places.  Habakkuk 3:18-19
I began to cry and I thanked God that He gave me the very verse weeks earlier I would need at such an important time. I went the next day and every following day and that walk got easier and easier. Part of my heart is left on that hill in Guatemala and I am going back.

Guatemala 11 229

I shared this on God winks on Facebook and wanted to go ahead and share it here.

God is good all the time!

I’m getting to the good stuff-next the children.

Be blessed!



Anonymous said...

nice post thanks for sharing...God bless you loves .... soraya

Durojaiye Oluwaseun said...

Beautiful! Very good experience, glad you shared it.