Fridays-one of my new favorite days, because I will be off most Fridays. I have moved positions at work and I love many parts of it. For one I love working Bingo on Tuesday nights, it doesn't feel like work and it's among people-which is what I miss the most~ being among the sweet elderly all day long. I am now in Marketing, so I will be trying to raise money, educate the Public about our great place and planning fundraising events. All of this was a God thing in my opinion, because my Bama Princess will be graduating December 12th, and I am going to pay her student loans.
Another random thought for today, is I got a new Bible,
The Quest Study Bible features article/subject indexes and full-color map and timeline sections. The Quest Study Bible has clarified the meaning of Scripture for countless people. It will do the same for you.Description: With over one million copies sold, the Quest Study Bible—in beautiful Italian Duo-Tone™ binding—is designed to provide solid, Scripture-based answers to your most perplexing questions. With thousands of notes and hundreds of articles by top evangelical scholars, this unique Bible will quickly become your most trusted resource. The Quest Study Bible features include: • Over 7,000 sidebar notes that clarify the Bible’s most puzzling passages • Nearly 350 articles by top scholars that address the most popular and provocative questions asked by Christians and non-Christians alike • Article index and expanded subject index that help you quickly find the answers they’re looking for • Single-column Scripture text format • Color-keyed verse numbers that supply instant reference to articles and sidebar notes • Book introductions that identify themes, characters, and events in each Bible book • Over 150 two-color in-text charts, timelines, and maps providing background information you need to understand different passages • Concordance, dictionary, 16-page full-color map section, 7-page full-color timeline section, and reading plans to assist your study of the Bible.
I love God's word, it is my guide book, my owner's manual if you will. I think whatever is going on in my life can be applied to answer's found there. I think everyone should get a new Bible periodically to bring it to life again and feel you with fresh desire to read and understand it.I'm LOVING my new BIBLE and my time in the word!
Random thought #3-I have had live in company for several months now and She is a seamstress, decorator -so soon I will have pictures of some improvements that have been going on around here. She hasn't tried to change my style just enhance it.So people get ready ... pictures coming.
Random thought #4- Last night I had friends over- It was Bunco night. I fixed a yummy dinner! I fixed Turkey and dressing, auGrautin potatoes with the best recipe, corn pudding , asaparagus and pea casserole, rolls and gravy. A new favorite was individual tomato pies- I used a good tomato pie recipe and made them with won-ton wrappers in a muffin pan-Yummy good and fun to eat. Desert was Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding-everybody left full and happy I think!
Random thought #5-I really do try to be a cup half full person. I try to show the Joy of the Lord. I try to be positive and up-beat, not negative and hard to be around. I am finding myself lately in a funk~a little unusual for me. So pray for me. Pray for me and areas I need to work on in my life. Boy how I believe in the power of prayer.
Last random thought then I must get up from this chair and be productive-I'm so thankful that our God is still in the miracle business. For so long now I have been intwined in the blog and life of Mckmama~ I have prayed for Stellan since before He was born and I have joined Twitter to get minute by minute updates when he has been flown to Boston for surgeries. This week God performed a miracle through the Doctor's hands and Stellan is well! If you need a blessing -go -read their story. God, you are awesome, Alive, and on the throne. Greater is He that is in us than the Prince of this world.
Thank you GOD!