It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you...everytime you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.
Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8
I can't wait to help my girlfriends trim their trees and them help me. It will make it so much more fun than doing it all yourself. I use to love putting on the Christmas music and making hot chocolate and getting the kids to help me decorate, now I feel that same excitement because I will have loving help again.
Selfishness makes Christmas a burden; Love makes it a delight.
I can't wait to see my grandchildren enjoy the season. When the kids were little and they believed in Old St. Nick what joy, what fun and now I have that joy again!
The joy of brightening a child's heart creates the magic of Christmas.
Just some thoughts as I prepare for Christmas.
Be blessed!

"Selfishness makes Christmas a burden; Love makes it a delight"
This is so so true!!
I am so looking forward to Christmas. We have so many great family traditions that I look forward to each year!
Its my favorite time of the year and I look forward to making traditions and memories with my family!
We have alot of good Christmas memories don't we. I am also really excited to decorate our homes together. God is good all the time. Blessings Memaw Barbie
Say a prayer that I will get into the Christmas spirit soon. I have always started feeling it in October... an excitement of a child! But I am not feeling it this year. I am the parent responsible for all things festive in our home and my children sense that I am not there yet.
Please pray for me Lorie.
Lorie, I'm with Jen. My heart is there, but I'm not sure my mind is. Maybe after Thanksgiving, birthdays, anniversary, the kid's break from school, so on and so on! Ok...I need to breathe, breathe, breathe! (And count my blessings!)
Lots of love and hugs!...Debbie
get to be retired and it is easier to find the time for the holidays and the grandkids etc etc
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