My Thanksgiving started on Wednesday night when my wonderful husband went shopping with me to buy provisions for the meal, then ended up taking me to Dreamland for some Ribs-yummy. Then Bama Princess was home and my grandgirls came to spend the night.We had preparations going on and Christmas movies and Anna girl ended up going home to Mama-while my Emma girl stayed and ended up staying up half the night with her Aunt Whitney watching Christmas movies…. thus this picture on Thanksgiving day.
Thanksgiving morning was sweet –it involved watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade with Emma and starting my food. I had my whole family coming but everyone is doing food so I did not have to make everything. I didn’t even get to make the Turkey and dressing, because that’s my sweet Daddy’s specialty and he likes to do it-so I made a good big spiral cut Ham.
I have no pictures of the food because when it comes to the food it’s eating time and I forget all about my blog….
WE had turkey and dressing, mashed tators and gravy, rolls, every casserole and congealed salad you can think of, plus deviled eggs, delicious fresh green beans, macaroni and cheese. WE had apple pie, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, coconut pie, pound cake, oh I forgot peanut butter pie. Where oh where was the chocolate- people? Can you say PIE?
Let me go backwards and say that the time before the meal-when we had 4 generations together and asked each person what they were thankful for was the sweetest part of the day-some thoughts shared were:
Family-unconditional love- GOD’s love even when we don’t deserve it-that Jesus died on the cross for us- food- friends- Being able to be with a big loving family to share a holiday when they had never experienced it before-grandbabies-hugs-Family
How about some pictures…
Wow, Turkey has that tryptophan stuff so when you eat it this happens…
A great day was had by all- my Daddy “Poppy” was feeling under the weather-please say a little prayer for him-he’s at the DR as I write-I’m a little worried. He still came and it was good to have him here –he just wasn’t feeling up to par and he left early to go home and rest.
The evening ended with Juju’s daughter Kristy who is in
her last month of massage therapy school-sharing her talents with us. What a great way to end a great day!
She is so sweet and ended up doing at least 8 people a wonderful head, neck and shoulder massage-we put out a tip jar and she picked up some “tips”.Worked for everyone. I got my rub from her Mama-my BFF!
My sweet Bama Princess said she missed my other BFF Memaw Barbie, it didn’t seem right without her –but she is in the Big D- with her family for Thanksgiving which is a good thing.
Speaking of Bama princess –she is heading back to TTown today for her big day tomorrow-IRON BOWL!!
Yes , she will be there-I am jealous. I’ll be watching. I can’t count how many years I watched as an Auburn fan and now somthing about your baby and your money being somewhere- how fast you change your allegiance. It also helps they are UNDEFEATED!!!!!!
My son-in love said he was thankful to have his Grandma and her husband Tom~ I’m sure their family in FLA missed them but hope they enjoyed their big crazy Thanksgiving Alabama style.
Hope your day was sweet and you have leftovers and memories like I do. I’m off to hunt for CHOCOLATE!!!
Be blessed!
Christmas season is really now upon us-lookout it’s coming…..