My sweet blog friend Brenda had this on her site and I sent her a comment to "Interview me"- If you'd like to participate just include "Interview Me" in your comment. I'll shoot over 5 questions along with the rules.
Here are her questions.
1. What is the biggest piece of advise you would share with your child as they embark into the world?
I think of a few off the top of my head. Guard their heart- many friends, and people who claim to care about them can turn their head, but they are in control of themselves.
-Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life."
They must have goals. Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Contentment doesn’t come from things- You are not defined by what car you drive, house you live in or even what job you have. The character you have –the way you do your job and how you let the things of this world affect you, defines you. -Phil 4:11-13 "For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Remember whose they are- First, before anything else, they are God’s - Children of the King
2. If time and money were not an issue, what would your ideal vacation be? I have always had a desire to drive across the country with no agenda, with like my best friend to see places I would like to see –(probably now meet bloggers I would like to meet) and have a leisure amount of time to do whatever we like. I would have a convertible and start in the South where I live and see all I want to see, then head North and go to New York –DC, Campobella Island Canada, Maine, then go full circle around this country- I would see Sedona and the Grand Canyon. I‘d like to see Las Vegas and Jackson Hole Wyoming. Just to name a few.
3. If you were stranded on a desert island for one week with one other person, besides your spouse but someone you personally know, who would that person be and why? I would like one week on a desert island with my 3 kids and 4 grandkids, so we could have solitude and make memories and do wonderful things together with no TV, video, cell phones or outside influences.
Okay, so that's more than one person, but I can't narrow it down-it's my interview and I'll booger up the answers if I want to.
4. Who is your favorite woman in the Bible and why?
The Sinful woman- the woman with the expensive oil who’s story is told in Luke 7:36-50, Matthew 26:6-13,and Mark 14:3-9.This story is one of my favorites, because it so clearly displays God's love for us. The woman is defined as "one who lived a sinful life." She was said to be a prostitute. Haven't we all lived a sinful life? Don't we all have things in our lives that we don't want to share with others? I certainly do. That's why this story is so special to me. Jesus knew this woman's chosen path, but He didn't focus on that. He focused on her actions – her expression of love and sacrifice to Him. I’m thankful God looks at me with eyes of love and Mercy, instead of what I deserve.
5. Hot air balloon? Sky Diving? or free trip to the Moon (and back!)? I won a Hot air Balloon trip once and didn’t take it- I’m scared of heights-I don’t desire to sky Dive- I’d probably have a heart attack or at least mess my britches!!!~ I’m not even sure I’d like to go to the moon and back. I wish my husband could go because he’d like to. The closest thing to all these is a trip to Heaven and I’ve made my reservation- I’m going there someday and I won’t be afraid.
I tried to think about these answers and answer honestly- I felt like they probably do when they are put on the spot in the MS. America pageant and they want to give these profound answers to the question set before them and the answer comes off HUH?
It was fun and I will sure give you some questions I can think of if you just say the word...
Be blessed!