Buckle your seat belt this could take a while:
*I am happy that I have a place where I can write my thoughts, share pictures, put feelings and opinions and express praise- my blog!
*I am happy that other bloggers encourage me by their thoughts, their pictures , their feelings and opinions and how they share praise!
*I am happy that I know on Friday mornings I will be encouraged to make a list of all things I am grateful for -Thanks EyeGirl and Betsy
*I am Happy I am off every Friday -this morning I got up at 5:30 to go to my church and help with a ministry opportunity. They feed our local high school cheerleaders and football team a full breakfast every game day to show them someone loves them and is behind them.
*I am happy that this week I have been married 19 years to a good, loving Christian man.
*I am happy that he got me an iPhone for my anniversary present-I've been wanting one for a long time.
*I am happy that I graduated from high school 33 years ago and I have some friends from then that have been through thick and thin literally with me. Oh, the fun we've had and the things we've shared! I had a few of them and a few of our other friends and my Sissy over last night.
*I’m happy that last night I found some pictures from two months ago, and remembered how special beach time with the family was!
* I am happy that I love to read and have read several books this week.
* I am thankful I got to eat lunch with my two special boys this week.
* I am thankful for my Sunday school class- I love those ladies.
* I am thankful that one of the things I’m most sure of in my life is the Love and Mercy God has for me!
I’m Thankful!
My cup runneth over!