This time last year I was writing on my blog all my big plans to get in shape-I'm a shape all right-it's called round. I didn't have the discipline and right attitude to start -work and complete my goal. I had good days and bad days and I did manage to loose a few pounds here and there, which I promptly found again right down the road. I am on a different quest this year. I know I am a work in progress, but I really want to "Grow" spiritually. I want more of Him and less of me. I want to "Seek him first and then all these things will be added unto me". Maybe when I delight myself in the Lord He will give me the desires of my heart, and the ability to accomplish them. Another line from a song "All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy one comes down"-I want to live with His power in my life, not my own and then see what happens.
I am sure of several things:
1. God loves me and it's not because I'm good enough. It's because He loves BETTER than anyone can even though I don't deserve it. HE is love.
2. His son died for me, and even if I was the only person or the worst person around He would have paid my debt.
3. The Bible is the the true and inerrant word of God and he gave it to me to be my guidebook. It's the book he wants me to use everyday as a life manual.
4. Everyone has a circle of influence-people who love you and care about you-because of that you have the ability to affect thier lives for the good or for the negative.
5. We are only here a short time and we should be doing what He called us to do.Tell others and live so that they know Him if they know us.
With all that said-I have work to do-read His word-spend more time with Him and less with things that don't matter. For example-I watch too much TV. I waste time, I procrastinate.
I guess you could say I'm going to be doing some pruning in my life. Maybe working on discipline in my walk will help my discipline in healthy ways that will accomplish last years goals also.
I'm definitely working on my prayer life, because I think that that's a good place to start.
Love and prayer are my theme right now.
I'm a work in progress.
Be blessed!