2. It's okay to be goofy sometimes and have fun.
3. Pray about everything.
4. Chocolate is my friend.
5. Work begins and last a lifetime, enjoy your youth while you can.
6. God's timing is perfect, mine on the other hand is....not so perfect!
7. A Ritz cracker with toasted marshmallow on top is the bomb.
8. Starbucks is a wonderful place.
9. FORGIVE! Period!
10. Love getting to know people, ask questions, lots of them and really listen.
11. What you think you are-you become.
12. Family will be there when all others leave you.
13. You should go to the beach once a year -experience God and his wonder, relax and get through the rest of the year.
14. Church is your forever family.
15. Sunday school is as important as church-it's where the loving meets the need!
16. Someone else is always watching you!
17. Babies are a precious gift from God.
18. Music can calm the savage beast, cure what ails you and really touch your heart.
19. Laughter really is the best medicine.
20. Cigarettes are not our friends.
21. Have I said Pray often.
22. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
23. People need love the most when they deserve it the least.
24. Speak not as though it were not!
25. We are our own worst enemy.
26. Enjoy the little things, they really are the big things.
27. I'm so lucky to have had two Christian parents!
28. This world can be mean, surround yourself with good and positive.
29. Take lots of pictures, even everyday stuff, it's a memory keeper.
30. To have friends, be the best friend you can be.
31. Give more than you take.
32. Cook lots of casseroles for the sick and the sad, it will come back to you.
33. Never say I can't, because you won't!
34. Invest yourself in others, it will pay you back.
35. You're never to old to act like a child and enjoy life.
36. If it smells bad don't eat it.
37. God is good all the time!
38. Smell a baby as often as you can-hold it too if you're lucky.
39. Try to laugh everyday and for sure smile. People will wonder what you are up to!
40. Even beautiful people are ugly and vice versa.
41. I couldn't live without music, laughter and the love of my family and friends.
42. I have a heart for the underdog.
43. It's hard to be good to those who hurt and despise you, do it anyway.
44. Don't stop with one prayer or twenty, be persistent in prayer.
45. God loves me even when I'm unlovable.
46. We should eat more fruits and vegetables-I know it and don't do it.
47. Let go of yesterday and get excited about tomorrow.
48. Keep friends from early in your life, they keep you grounded and love you unconditionally.
49. A book, a blanket, an afternoon= restoration for your spirit.
50. It's not the size of something that counts, its what's inside that matters.
Yep, thats a few of the important things I've learnined~I'm still learning!
Be blessed!
I also did a 50 list when I turned 50. Too bad we don't know all these wise things when we are young! It would make life so much easier. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your list. It made me rethink!
Hey Lorie...you know my fav might be making and taking the casserole...love that one! Plus the friend one!
Have a great day!!
I have missed you too! I know you enjoy your Friday's off... you will have to let me know when you are free and meet me for lunch. Friday's work great because I get off at noon. I have been a little lost in this big world so I'm trying to find myself a little time in blogland, I do enjoy it. Have a wonderful weekend!
Great list my friend, does that mean I have to come up with 53 since I will turn 53 in May...LOL!
I loved your list. I am so sorry we couldn't get together, but definitely next time! We did have a wonderful time though.
I absolutely agree that we should enjoy the little things and that they are actually big. Those everyday moments afford us opportunities to experience joy!
I am following you now! I won't miss a post. I do miss Valerie but I know I could find her on Facebook. The problem is, I don't enjoy facebook like I do blogging. Still, it's nice to know where I can 'find' her.
Have a wonderful day Lorie! I'm off to toast a marshmallow on a Ritz cracker :)
You my friend are so kind! It is hard seeing them grow up so fast. Love you.
OH my...lots of wisdom listed there! Some of them really stuck out to me...like forgive.period and pray about everything!
Ritz with a marshmallow? My Mister would love that..the sweet and salty combo? yes...we'll have to try that. :)
Just stopping by to say hello! :)
i am 16 years into my second 50 years>>>i didn't realizer yu were such a young chickeeee>>>enjoyed the things you listed>>>if i were going to make a list i would start out by saying #1 put my head under a pillow when things got a little rough out there
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