"The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.
When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here."
- Author Unknown
March roared in for sure, in the land where I live. Friday, March 2nd I woke up, still trying to get used to the 8 to 5 I am working temporarily. I get to work and very early in the day comes the beep-beep-beep on my phone warning of a Tornado.
We go back in our large metal building to an office to wait. The wait proves to be a scare I'll never forget. As we sat and tried to get info about what was going on we see it's hit very close to my house on a path I've seen before back in time. Then very soon the faces of my co-workers tell a story that requires me to remember who holds my life, my loves and all I care about in His hands. The Facebook that is not coming in on my phone, has told my co-workers my neighborhood is hit and search and rescue is looking for survivors. I try repeatedly for what seemed like hours but was really 5-10 minutes to reach my children who are at home with my grandchildren in this neighborhood. I remember the tears, I remember the prayers I tried to utter, I remember thinking Lord take everything I own, but please not my babies. Well, He was faithful! The EF3 tornado that touched down did demolish houses, but noone lost a life. To God be the GLORY! My end of the neighborhood was just wind blown- my babies were terrified but unharmed. My daughter had just recently moved to my end of the neighborhood, and her old house was demolished.
Speaking of knowing who I belong to, brings me to the second weekend of March.
I spent it at the Opryland Hotel in the Magnolia Ballroom at The Pearl Event II, where two hundred beautiful ladies sat underneath the glistening chandeliers and heard some of the sweetest ladies in the world tell what God has done for them and what He wants for each of us. I met two ladies I have followed for years, who felt like friends before I met them.
Paige is as wonderful as I imagined all the years I've read her blog. I have tried to meet her on several occasions when I went to Atlanta for Market. She introduces you to her life, her family, and her relationship with the Lord in such a way you feel like friends. Seeing her and her sweet family meant alot , but hearing her say God wants us all to know we have a significant story touched me.
Sibi is the lady who planned, prepared, fasted and poured her whole self into making this day become a reality. I had not read her blog as long as the other ladies, but when they both showed up on their blogs saying she was planning this shindig and they would be there-I started reading her blog and could not stop. I would read her posts and think ~she's a modern day Mother Teresa. What a special heart she has. Now, after meeting her and hearing her amazing story -you know she is the testimony of Jeremiah 29:11 fleshed out. God had plans for her all her life and he brought her into her hope and her future. She taught us that we are God's beautiful pearls. I'll never look at pearls the same again. I felt so blessed to be there and to hear all the ladies speak. Each one shared what God has done in their life. We had wonderful praise and worship music. It was a day I'll never forget. I just wish I could have taken more people with me to recieve the blessing.
For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
Yes, March has been eventful!
Thank You Lord for all of it!
Be blessed!